Finally wake up from the NightMare....
but.....another app store...made me change the name of my blog...
1.Setting up OpenCV on Mac OS X (binding Python2.7) download and install macports( )
1.1 Mac OS X has already come with Python
sudo port -v install opencv +python27
(before that remember to install command line tools in Xcode. or it will
result in the conflicks in the installing process )
(Xcode -> preference -> components -> command line tools, then install it)
2. Start with OpenCV and Python2.7
After spend the whole weekends dealing with setting up OpenCV with Python on Mac OS X, I finally start my project.
Since OpenCV and Python are both open source, what I can refer to is very narrow. So I start with the The OpenCV Reference Manual
3. Track the Face and Eyes
I write some small program in python 2.7, using openCV and haarcascades classifer.What I am able to do now is to locate the face, sometimes eyes in a photo...
And also track the movement of the eyes and face from the video captured by webcam.
followings from webcam video
(seems this is a good way to find my eyes...)
with glasses? it's ok, but.. we have to cut the influence...
4.What to do next?
i. Locate the Pupil (I mean.. the colorful part of the eyes.).( 1. try to recognize circles in the given photo)
( 2. try to locate the circle inside the eyes ---- that is, pupil!)
ii. Record the color of the eyes
iii. Record the color of the face